Justice/Legal Tech 4 years ago

Legal Technology: Problems & Solutions

With every step towards digitisation, new challenges are unravelled, tackled and overcome every day

As the legal industry gears up on its road to digitisation, several challenges become apparent – making the road seemingly daunting. Addressing just that, here’s a look at some of the commonly assumed problems and the best possible ways to counteract them:

Adoption of New Technology is Time Consuming

There is no denying that adopting new technology takes time – not just in the know-how necessary to set up the infrastructure, but also in the training involved in its use. But, while the set up might be time and effort consuming, in the long run, it results in significant savings on both fronts. Tech solutions are favoured today because they are quick, accurate and are constantly evolving themselves to suit our changing requirements. It might seem like a struggle initially, but it is important to keep an eye on the big picture.

Compatibility with Existing Systems

While choosing new tech solutions and platforms, it is important to keep compatibility in mind. Most organisations are reluctant to adopt new technology as they lack the necessary technological bandwidth to effectively implement them. In such cases, it is worth spending some time researching the available technology options and choosing solutions that appropriately integrate with existing technology infrastructures. Afterall, new solutions are found for existing problems.

Data Privacy & Cyber security

With the popularisation of hacking and increasing cyber threats, ensuring privacy and security of data is a major requirement in any industry and is especially more so within the justice sector. But with each evolving threat, the industry standard for security is also constantly enhancing itself. A simple solution here would be to invest in a reputable technology solution provider who is armed with industry-standard security certifications. Chances are that they would be better updated with the latest security solutions.

Meeting and Managing Client Expectations

As the world becomes more and more technology-driven, people everywhere are polarised into two categories – ones who are wary of new technology, and ones who have embraced it. The same applies to clients approaching a legal practice. While adoption of new technological solutions might reassure the latter group of people, the former might need a little more convincing. But once they are steadily but surely introduced to the benefits and convenience of new tech solutions, they too are sure to notice that you are up to date on the latest advancements in your field and are best placed to serve their needs

In the end, it is important to remember that the very purpose of new legal technology is to tackle anticipated problems with solutions that can efficiently serve a better tomorrow