Emerging Tech 2 years ago
A Quick Guide to Driving Tech Adoption
With technology and innovation driving the tenets of growth and success, here are a few tips to how you too can steer the technological wave to your advantage

Today, around the world, legal and justice tech tools have integrated themselves into the processes of law firms, in-house legal teams, and other legal agencies. But in a country like India, where court stenographers pounding away on typewriters is still a vivid and tangible part of the legal fabric, the drive to technological adoption has been a long time coming. Although the pandemic might have boosted the pace, advanced technological solutions and changes to the existing norms and processes are still widely met with a healthy dose of scepticism and resistance.
But nevertheless, if the pandemic has proved anything it is that the changes are here to stay. And the sooner businesses and organisations get on board the better their chances. So, in light of promoting growth and success and with technology and innovation driving the tenets of said growth and success, here are a few tips to how you too can steer the technological wave and adopt tech solutions to your advantage.
Tip #1: Collaborate
Technology is only as useful as it is meant to be. Even advanced solutions have been known to fail when their ultimate users can’t relate to it or find it counterproductive. Technological solutions need to effectively address clients’ specific needs and leave them satisfied and productive. The goal is only achievable when expertise is shared, combined and in the process enhanced. Collaboration is key to successful adoption of any technological solution.
Tip #2 Assess Needs
When solutions outnumber the needs, it is always best to assess and define needs and goals. Study your processes, identify points of advantages and disadvantages, and map out ways to overcome them. Success of a tech solution could be interpreted in multiple ways, so, be clear about your criteria and your requirements. Work with your clients and vendors from the start and clearly define what ‘success’ means to you.
Tip #3 Engage with and Cultivate Talents
In the vast and at times turbulent seas of technological innovation, finding the right guide who directs you to the right course of action could mean the difference between finding safe shores or, well, sinking. Experts and talented minds are a dime a dozen in the industry but finding the right fit for you and cultivating the talent is crucial for prolonged success rates. Getting experts in at the very beginning and working with them to identify opportunities could possibly be helpful in finding anchors at successful shores.
Rest assured, yours truly is here just for that!