Justice/Legal Tech 3 years ago

Virtual Courtroom Technology

As courtrooms across the world open their doors to new technologies, we see the signs of long-awaited changes

In today’s tech-enabled but socially distant world, opening the courtroom doors to new technologies is seen both as a sword and a shield. These technologies have been a cause of concern to conventional practitioners who worry about their relevance and the safety issues. At the same time, these technologies bring with them an exciting realm of possibilities to the younger professionals just stepping into the practice of law. But the need of the hour dictates that current practitioners, both young and otherwise, find that perfect balance between the conventional school of thought and new changes – effectively mould virtual courtroom technologies to optimise the daily operations in the field that would be ideal to all participants involved.

The parameters of safety and social distancing set forth by the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly hampered the legal system from fulfilling its duties. This has nudged lawyers to realise the importance of virtual courtroom technologies. The possibility of ushering in an age of e-Courtroom or a virtual courtroom may seem far-fetched right now in India, but with Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) becoming a reality, we might just be at the brink of a change.

The Internet has enabled the online configuration of courtrooms in a rather simple manner, keeping in line with the demands of the technological age we now live in. Web video conferencing tools with audio-visual integration have been streamlined to function as efficient, easy to schedule and secure ways to continue court proceedings in a virtual manner. The most important factor to consider in virtual courtrooms is that all the parties are made aware, in advance, of the guidelines set in place. The existing Indian legal infrastructure may face challenges in terms of access to this technology and might struggle adopting effectively; but it is clear that the virtual courtroom is the courtroom of the future and that justice systems across the country will have to take necessary steps to accept the technological changes. After all this could be the welcome change the legal world has long waited for.